Arkansas Time After Time

Making Things Better


P.O. Box #11491, Conway, AR. 72034

Arkansas Time After Time (ATAT) is an independent
legislative advocacy group dedicated to making communities
safer by raising awareness about the sex offender laws.

Arkansas Legislature

Go to the Arkansas General Assembly's website to search for bills.

Sending an email

Things to keep in mind when you send an email:

1. Subject line- VOTE no on XX### (what ever bill we are fighting against)
2. Keep your email short and to the point, about a half of page. The Congress people don't have time to read every email.
3. Try to at least make it personal. Make them feel sorry for you. but not in a way where they don't care.
4. If you have kids, tell them how this new bill is going to effect your kids.
5. Keep it short.